Religion difference: how to find a half of a suitable religion in the modern world?
Who does not dream of family happiness, of a perfect marriage, concluded, as they say, in heaven. And especially the approval of the higher realms is sought by believers who hope that the help of the mountain forces will protect their family boat from the storms of the earth, full of the temptations of life. Now the almighty Internet has come to the aid of such grooms and brides. Here you can find all kinds of dating options including indian dating. We decided to check: how do religious dating sites differ from ordinary ones? What are the features of suitors of different faiths?
And how does religion affect attitudes toward family life?
Christianity, Judaism, Islam are all related religions. They are also called Abrahamic, since they all honor the forefather of Abraham and rely on the Old Testament.
In Christianity, the most respectful attitude towards a woman. After all, Jesus is the Son of God, born of an earthly mother. Therefore, a woman occupies an almost equal position with a man. The apostle Paul wrote about this in the Epistle to the Corinthians: “Husband, show your wife due favor, like a wife to her husband.”
In Judaism, a woman is also fully legitimate. But in conservative currents its function is reduced only to the birth of children and the maintenance of the life of the family. Therefore, for example, conservative Hasidim have a strict dress code for women – closed shoulders and arms, long skirts. Muslims in their attitude to women are more like representatives of conservative movements. In an Islamic family, a woman does not even have the right to sit at a table with men, only to serve them.
As for the modesty of Muslim grooms that surprised you, it is primarily connected with the material side of life. According to tradition, when a young man takes a bride, he must pay the dowry appointed by her parents. This can be very difficult to do in the densely populated countries of the East, where men from poor families are practically doomed to a single life. Therefore, in some countries the custom of stealing brides arose. In this case, the bride’s parents have to put up with the kalym that the groom gives, otherwise the girl will be returned home and she will be considered disgraced. So in the case of muslim dating on the site, if the ladies themselves take the initiative, the gentlemen have the hope that somehow there will be no ransom. The best option for meeting a person of their religion is dating sites. This method has a number of advantages.
Firstly, in a social network or on a dating site you do not owe anything to anyone, and the most shy person can turn into an interesting and sociable conversationalist.
In a comfortable home environment, at any time convenient for you, you can study the profiles of candidates and start communication. Secondly, when communicating on the network, self-esteem increases markedly, and if the correspondence fails, your dignity will not suffer at all, because the interlocutor did not know you personally.

In real life, the initiative should come precisely from the guys, and the girls, according to public opinion, should only accept communication. On the World Wide Web, you can do absolutely everything that you think is necessary, even write the first man you like.
Dating sites do not limit the possibilities of correspondence, so you can chat with several candidates at once and save a lot of time. In addition, during the correspondence you will immediately determine who is more interesting to you, who should not be met. Thanks to the Internet, you can chat with people from other countries and corners of your homeland, you can easily make acquaintance with people you were not even aware of before.